That’s me on the left, shooting “from the hip” or without looking at the screen on my iCamera. This takes some practice, but opens up a world of possibilities. It also allows me to be more aware of my surroundings and alert to developing scenes while shooting candid street photos.
While enjoying my morning coffee at my favorite sidewalk table, near my Airbnb in the Recoleta neighborhood of Buenos Aires, Argentina, I caught a series of images of the scene inside the cafe as well as the reflections in the window of myself and the ever present yellow and black BA taxis.

Opening it in the free Google app, Snapseed, I adjusted the perspective, cropped the image, switched over to Maple Labs’ Retouch app, to remove some minor distractions, then back to Snapseed, where I added the text to create a possible new header for my website. (Above)
Then, I returned to the pre-text version and used the crop tool to create the three photographs seen here:

A bit more fine tuning in Snapseed, and I’m a happy camper, or as the Brits would have it, Bob’s your uncle.

I actually did a little more to the image above that I will tell about in another post. Spoiler alert, it has something to do with an iPhone 12 Pro Max. By the way, I’m especially pleased with the way this one turned out.

This was shot on an iPhone 6s Plus in November, 2006, during one of my winters in beautiful Buenos Aires, a street shooter’s paradise, and I’m still having fun playing with it.